
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

To shame or not to shame?

I was asked by a suppose-id friend yesterday if I felt any shame or remorse for posting a blog about my bipolar disorder. Um, no. Its not like I am trying to write an award winning blog, or expect the blog to be turned into some cheesy hallmark made for TV movie. I feel no more ashamed of myself then a person might feel about having cancer. I am open as I can be about myself. How I think, What I feel and just be honest. I can't understand why some people feel they have to tell me how sorry they are. I'm happy. The happiest I have been in years. I can focus better, Handle day to day events without being manic. Heck, I can even tie my own shoes. It took a long time, perhaps too long, to find out what was wrong with the big picture. But strangely, I don't feel like a wounded dog that needs to be put down. Note the sarcasm. There are underlying problems that need to be dealt with. Habits to break, fences to mend... but overall things look bright now.
I don't expect them to always be cheery. I know I will feel ups and downs. Just I expect to handle them with rational thoughts.

Getting regulated is an important part of that. Its a chemical imbalance in the brain that needs fixed. I can't beat it alone. Because its not fighting a lifestyle or way of thinking. Its a medical issue. One should see a doctor and just hope the problem goes away. TO anyone that feels out of control. Manic. or unable to handle the simple things in life. At least talk to someone. Depression is awful, being manic is awful. Metal issues are awful and tend to worsen over time. It seems the closer I got to forty the harder things got. I started obsessing on issues. Went manic on simple events. I had a terrible time trying to balance life. I had no patience for my kids or wife. It sucks I had these issues all along. Its just they finally came to a head. Became unreal. Making me lose touch and risk having my wife walk away, and losing my kids.

So to sum it up. NO, I'M NOT EMBARRASSED. I'm grateful. And if I help another person find peace, them my "coming out" was well worth it. Besides, when have you ever known me to be candid

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